sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013

What I have found in you.

I have found in you beauty, not just the glorious appearance that so graciously is yours; rather, I have found that beauty that crowns those who seek for the truth. The beauty in the hopeful eyes of the elderly; understanding that their masterwork is the person who they have become, and realize there is more to be done. The beauty in the dreams of a child that not understanding his present still dares to look to the future through a glimpse of pure faith. I have found the true reason for eternity. Because after being with you for a moment I will see once again that nothing, but eternity will suffice.
For you Jorri.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Elder Garcia,
This is Sister Ip. I finally found you!
I can't read spanish but I hope you can get this message!!!

All the best, my friend!

my contact is ipocamilla@gmail.com
I will come to your blog more often.

Inkdweller dijo...

Whenever I come back to this post I am reminded that I am truly the luckiest girl in the world to have a man like you by my side. Te amo con todo mi corazón, Yemo.